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Naslov teme: Romunsko podjetje- svetovanje- DDVregistracija

6318  18.12.2012 - 06:47h / DDV / Avtor: micka / 68 / 1

Romunsko podjetje nam je izvršilo kadrovsko svetovanje (iskanje primernega kandidata) in nam poslalo račun brez obračunanega DDV, brez klavzule. Na računu imajo objavljeno njihovo DDV številko, ki pa je bila (poizvedba na dursu) že leta 2010 deregistrirana tako, da trenutno nimajo veljavne številke. Trdijo da je ne rabijo, Spodaj je njihova obrazložitev. Jaz pa mislim, da nimajo prav in jih ne upam vnesti v sistem. Kaj mi svetujete?


Based on our own inquiries with the local fiscal authorities, we have learned the following with regards to VIES:

-          Registration in this system is necessary only if we invoice you with VAT, otherwise if the invoices carry no VAT, it is not useful whatsoever;

-          Moreover, our invoices do not carry any line regarding the VAT due to the fact (as stipulated in the contract) to avoid double-taxation;

-          Previously, this year and in 2011, we have issued similar invoices to Syngenta Bulgaria, Hungary and Serbia, without mentioning the VAT amount on them, we simply needed to present a Fiscal Residence Certificate to be brought to the local authorities and register the invoice under the avoidance of double-taxation, everything else being the same with them;

-          Finally, it is not necessary to specify in the invoice why not adding the VAT, our local authorities said that it is clear to leave the invoice in net value in order to avoid double-taxation in between two EU member states.


Therefore, we see no reason why we need to register in VIES under such conditions we had with Syngenta regionally.

Please let us know if we can send in maximum 1-2 days the Fiscal Residence Certificate Romania – Slovenia, based on which you can register the 2 invoices as such in their net value.

Uroš - 18.12.2012 - 14:23

vsekakor morajo imeti posebno VAT ID number za transakcije znotraj EU. le to pridobijo samo za EU transakcije

najbrš imajo pisarno v enem izmed kombijev ki vsakodnevno prečkajo SLO teritorij :)